Study on the Regions’ Digitalization by ARIES Transilvania

Tomorrow, December 14, 2018, ARIES Transilvania will launch the latest study on digitalization in the Nord-Vest region of Romania. DIGITAL CLUJ is a project that features multiple aspects of digitalization. The findings of the study will be revealed tomorrow during a Press Conference at the Casino Building in the Central Park of Cluj-Napoca.

The key findings are related to the impact of digitaliztion on the local companies, to the areas which are most suitable for digitalization, to the forecasted appetence for digitalization solutions among local companies in the upcoming period and to the weight that digitalization solutions have in our local IT companies turnover.

The study was deployed by Encore Research, with the support of Cluj-Napoca Municipality during September – October 2018.

The conclusions are revealing for the rest of the country too since numbers and indicators are similar in other regions of Romania.

The forecast for the next 5 years will be presented and discussed tomorrow. In addition to the results there will be a discussion around the tyoe of services and solutions that local IT sector is able to provide for the current state of the market.

Even more interesting, ARIES Transilvania Executive Manager – Bianca Muntean will present the obstacles that the players on the market are facing in the process of digitalization.

More information here:



ARIES Transilvania

ARIES Transilvania, Cluj-Napoca, includes a number of 95 members: businesses, local public administrations, universities, research institutes, catalyzers and organizations concerned with innovation, internationalization and good practices.  ARIES Transilvania connects the key players of the local ecosystem.

Transilvania IT Cluster

Transilvania IT Cluster launched in 2013 by ARIES Transilvania under the name of iTech Transilvania, currently includes 85 members, with a turnover of + 210 million Euro and + 5.000 employees. Transilvania IT Cluster holds the Gold Label Certification.

More information:

Bianca Muntean, Executive Director – ARIES Transilvania, Transilvania IT Cluster

0742-225.405 /

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