The townhall debate taking place in Cluj-Napoca on June 13 will be the first “Reflecting on Europe” debate jointly supported by the European Committee of the Regions and the Municipality of Cluj-Napoca and in the context of organising the EU conference on innovation, Open Innovation 2.0, June 13-14, 2017 in Cluj.
Historically called “The Heart of Transylvania”, the City of Cluj-Napoca is positioning itself as model of tolerance, multicultural capital of the region. In this context, the townhall debate objective is to the the kick off “Reflecting on Europe” campaign in this part of the country, as the model can easily be replicated and more and more comunities can adopt it. Since Romania is preparing to have the EU presidency in 2019, in a more and more digital world, the townhall detabe will adress the theme of European cohesion for the future and offer a sense of contributing from the local and regional level to the challenges that are to be addressed by EU politicians in order to have a more united Europe.
The format will be an open debate, with an ice-breaking standing time (1/2h), presentations, questions and answer and direct involvment will be encouraged.