The Open Innovation 2.0 Events Ecosystem Cluj-Napoca (10 – 14 June 2017)

As announced before Cluj-Napoca, the heart of Transylvania, Romania, will also host en premiere a series of interlinked events: the city’s first 2-day Innovation Dialogue (10-11 June), The Clusters Matchmaking session (12 June), The Town Hall Debate (13 June) , The Open Innovation 2.0 Conference (13 – 14 June), the Innovation Luminary Awards Gala (13 June) and the Innovation Expo (13 -14 June).

Cluj-Napoca: The European Commission’s Directorate-General CONNECT in the shape of the Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group (OISPG) in partnership with the European Committee of the Regions, the Municipality of Cluj-Napoca, the Innovation Value Institute, ARIES Transylvania, iTech Transylvania Cluster, Transylvanian Clusters Consortium, MasterCard and Dublin City Council welcomes the guests and participants of the Open Innovation 2.0 Conference 2017 with a unique suite of interlinked events aiming to showcase how open innovation can be practically used to foster development and growth within existing communities .
10 – 11 June:
Innovation Dialogue / Location: Liberty Technology Park
The Innovation Dialogue is an offline expression of the open innovation 2.0 concept. Using entrepreneurial discovery and interdisciplinary experts, the Innovation Dialogue aims to develop breakthrough ideas and projects insights. For the first time in Cluj-Napoca, and the 2nd time this year for OISPG, the Innovation dialogue will draft four policy and business related challenges to be discussed and solved by the diverse groups of experts. The challenges owners during the Innovation Dialogue will be the European Commission, The Committee of the Regions, The Municipality of Cluj and ARIES Transilvania.
12 June:
Clusters Matchmaking / Location: Grand Hotel Italia
Prepared by the Transylvanian Clusters Consortium, the clusters members are invited for a one day event to meet and develop potential cooperation, partnerships and new ventures. The setting is ideal to explore new opportunities by the conference guests and other attending parties.
EnOLL Council Meeting / Location: Old Casino Building
In order to develop on the conclusion fo the Innovation Dialogue, the council members of the European Network of Living Labs will have a closed Council Meeting on Monday, in Cluj-Napoca.
13 June
Town Hall Debate / Location: Old Casino Building, Parcul Central
The Town Hall Debate taking place in Cluj-Napoca on June 13 will be the first “Reflecting on Europe” debate jointly supported by the European Committee of the Regions and the Municipality of Cluj-Napoca and in the context of organizing the EU conference on innovation, Open Innovation
2.0. The event will be hosted by the president of the Committee of Regions, Markku Markkula and the Mayor of Cluj-Napoca, Emil Boc,
Innovation Luminary Awards / Location: Aroma Restaurant
The prestigious Innovation Luminary Academy and Awards was founded by the European Commission’s Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group (OISPG) with the support of Dublin City Council. The initiative recognizes outstanding innovation role models which inspire the next generation of innovators. The Innovation luminary Awards and the academy are intended to foster the new generation of innovation leadership and to inspire action towards a creative and innovative ecosystem.
The award categories are: Recreating innovation renaissance, Innovation bridging between theory and practice, Open and scalable hardware ecosystem, Creating a strong innovation landscape, Creation of a national open innovation strategy and Young innovation Bridger and Curator.
13 – 14 June:
Open Innovation 2.0 Conference

Location: Grand Hotel Italia
Being at its 5th edition, the overall theme of this year’s conference is industrial and societal transformation engendered by digital technologies. Two main objectives are in focus: how to foster industry and society commons for a value creation environment and how to transform innovation hubs to innovation ecosystems. In order to develop a new mindset capable of leading these transformations topics like the functionalities of block-chains, the importance of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity times, or the interactions between science, technology and arts in the creative process will be staged during the conference.
Waypoint Visits / Location: Cluj-Napoca
Foreign and local guests are invited to make the tour of the most relevant innovation powered institutes, businesses and organizations in Cluj-Napoca. It is an interactive way to explore innovation in practice and to evaluate the changes that need to be done in order to create an innovation ecosystem.
Innovation Expo / Location: Grand Hotel Italia
In order to showcase practical innovations, the organizers and partners of the event will host a friendly Innovation Expo at the venue. You are welcome to interact with the exhibitors, test the products and discuss projects together!
FULL INFORMATION available here:
Cluj-Napoca is the 2nd city of Romania, situated in the heart of Transylvania region. As an elite academic center of the country, hosting 11 universities, enrolling more than 80.000 students, Cluj-Napoca showcases on of the most colorful cultural city canvas of Eastern Europe and a growing ICT hub. Open Innovation 2.0 Conference 2017 is a good opportunity to discover this hidden gem of Europe.

The Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group (OISPG) supports policies for Open Innovation at the European Commission.
OISPG works in close collaboration with the European Commission (@DigitalAgendaEU). OISPG philosophy embraces the Open Innovation 2.0 paradigm: creation of open innovation ecosystems where the serendipity process is fully-fledged.
OISPG members believe that involving citizens directly in the innovation process allows rapid prototyping in real life. Building a prototype is the fastest, most effective way to push an idea forward. Prototyping will foster entrepreneurship in Europe, will create jobs and will boost sustainable economic and societal growth. Therefore, OISPG suggests various open innovation actions and approaches to industry and to other innovation partners in order to stimulate and strengthen competitiveness

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