Cluj Innovation Camp 2018: Cross-sectorial Innovation Taskforce in Transylvania

ARIES Transilvania and ITech Transilvania in partnership with Cluj-Napoca Municipality has organized the 2nd edition of Cluj Innovation Camp dedicated to cross-sectorial innovation in Transylvania region.

Held between the October 27 -28,  in Cluj- Napoca, at Liberty Technology Park, the event reunited  50 experts from 10 countries and diverse economic sectors.  The main themes put under debate were education in the digital age, the co-creation of an innovatiove ecosystem in Transylvania and Cluj innovation manifesto. The honorary host of the event was Cluj-Napoca Municipality and its mayor – Mr. Emil Boc.

The work frame of Cluj Innovation Camp 2018 was agile, aiming to co-create solutions for a given issue. The challenge had a high stake for it was intended to be part of the greater process of establishing the local strategy for the development of an innovative ecosystem by 2030.

The event was honored by the presence of well-known Romanian and foreign experts in the field of education and open innovation such as Mr. Bror Salmelin – former European Commission Consultant for Technology and Innovation, Mr. Daniel Funeriu – former Ministry of Education, Mr. Karl McFaul – European Commission Consultant – Future Navigators.   The responsible institutions and bodies of each challenge were directly involved in the solution generating process and the development of action plans.

The topic of the future of education in Cluj-Napoca was taken over by the city’s municipality and its representative Ms. Emilia Botezan – Manager of the Foreign Investment and Partnerships Bureau. The working team  benefited of the expertise of tertiary education representatives, of the local inspectorate, of the Living Labs European Network and of local cultural and education centers.

The co-creation of an innovatiove ecosystem in Transylvania topic was coordinated by  Karl McFaul who invited local clusters, the main universities, entrepreneurs, marketing and IT experts to contribute with solutions and generate ideas.

Cluj innovation manifesto was coordinated by ARIES Transilvania, by its President – Mr. Voicu Opreanwhose and its Excutive Director – Ms. Bianca Muntean also holds the Innovation Luminary Award 2018 for inter-regional and cross-sectorial cooperation.  This team reunited technology and innovation experts and researchers from Europe as well as local sector representatives.

The work group facilitators were Ștefan Teșianu – Executive Director of Cluj Cultural Center, Karl McFaul – European Commission Consultant – Future Navigators and Emiliya Hubavenska – Communication Specialist, European Asylum Support Office.

The solutions proposed by the 50 experts from Romania, Finland, France, Netherlands, Hungary, Bulgaria, Sweden, Spain, Republic of Moldova and will be regourped in action plans for the upcoming period.  The final goal is to take the shape of real projects and stay as a pillar for Cluj-Napoca Innovation Strategy 2030.

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