Study on the Regions’ Digitalization by ARIES Transilvania

Tomorrow, December 14, 2018, ARIES Transilvania will launch the latest study on digitalization in the Nord-Vest region of Romania. DIGITAL CLUJ is a project that features multiple aspects of digitalization. The findings of the study will be revealed tomorrow during a Press Conference at the Casino Building in the Central Park of Cluj-Napoca.

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Cluj Municipality and Cluj Cultural Centre: Development of the first Urban Innovation Unit in Eastern Europe

November, 5th. Mayor Emil Boc announced that the city of Cluj-Napoca is preparing an Urban Innovation Unit following the models from Boston, Pittsburg, Dublin or Barcelona.
Cluj 2.1 Urban Innovation Unit is developed by the Cluj Cultural Centre in partnership with the Centre for Civic Innovation and Imagination within the City Hall and in collaboration with other key players of the city: Universities, tech and business clusters, civil society, cultural sector. The Unit researches, tests and prototypes alternatives solutions to solve major urban challenges such as urban mobility, housing and future of work, by collecting and analysing data, building future scenarios and measuring the impact of experimental interventions to influence social and economic behaviour.

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Cluj Innovation Camp 2018: Cross-sectorial Innovation Taskforce in Transylvania

ARIES Transilvania and ITech Transilvania in partnership with Cluj-Napoca Municipality has organized the 2nd edition of Cluj Innovation Camp dedicated to cross-sectorial innovation in Transylvania region.

Held between the October 27 -28,  in Cluj- Napoca, at Liberty Technology Park, the event reunited  50 experts from 10 countries and diverse economic sectors.  The main themes put under debate were education in the digital age, the co-creation of an innovatiove ecosystem in Transylvania and Cluj innovation manifesto. The honorary host of the event was Cluj-Napoca Municipality and its mayor – Mr. Emil Boc.

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Cluj, The first Eastern European City to Access Urban Innovative Actions Funds

Cluj-Napoca is the first city in Eastern Europe to  access a 98% non-refundable fund  through the Urban Innovative Actions program. Cluj-Napoca Municpality and Cluj Cultural Center have submitted the project and it reaches a value of EURO 5.6 MD. The scope of the financing is to analyze and test scenarios that will allow the cultural, academic, business and community to prepare for the changes that will occur in the next 20 years on the work force market.

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Market Study: Romania on the 2018 Global Innovation Map

Innovation – Country Analysis: In 2018 Romania is ranked 49th out of 126 economies in the GII 2018. The Global Innovation Index 2018: Energizing the World with Innovation is the result of a collaboration between Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as co-publishers, and their Knowledge Partners. The author of the article – Diana Ciorba – SOFTECH Marketing Manager, had a look at this report in order to try and understand what is keeping Romania behind in spite of its human capital and knowledge output.

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Industry 4.0 – Transylvania & Romania Go Digital

Cluj-Napoca: WATIFY event on February 19, 2018, held by the local ARIES Transilvania and regional iTech Transilvania Cluster, under the umbrella of The European Technology Transformation Week, February 19 – 23, 2018.

The European Commission will host the European Industry Days on February 22-23 2018 in order to align European policies and to enable industry sectors to foster innovation across Europe, The event also aims to highlight new emerging industrial, societal and environmental trends that may need a policy response.

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Cluj IT Market Report 2017: Emerging Digital City

According to the most recent IT market report, released today in Cluj-Napoca, one out of eleven people from Cluj is currently working in the IT sector and Cluj employs 13.8% of the total IT workforce in Romania. The average Cluj-Napoca IT employee is about 31 years old and holds a specialized higher education degree. 79% of the total IT workforce is directly productive and the majority’s retention duration for an IT employee is of 3 to 5 years.

Cluj IT Market Report 2017 is a project of ARIES Transilvania, iTech Transilvania Cluster and Cluj-Napoca Municipality. On the occasion, we congratulate Ms. Bianca Muntean – Executive Director of ARIES Transilvania and of iTech Transilvania Cluster, for the constant efforts that she and her team are making to promote and position Cluj-Napoca as an innovation and technology center of Europe.

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Cluj-Napoca, the heart of Transylvania, Romania, hosts the 2017 ceremony of the prestigious Innovation Luminary Awards. Thus the OI 2.0 events ecosystem, brings a spotlight on the entrepreneurial spirit, the innovation potential and on the commitment to create an innovative ecosystem.


The Open Innovation 2.0 Events Ecosystem Cluj-Napoca (10 – 14 June 2017)

As announced before Cluj-Napoca, the heart of Transylvania, Romania, will also host en premiere a series of interlinked events: the city’s first 2-day Innovation Dialogue (10-11 June), The Clusters Matchmaking session (12 June), The Town Hall Debate (13 June) , The Open Innovation 2.0 Conference (13 – 14 June), the Innovation Luminary Awards Gala (13 June) and the Innovation Expo (13 -14 June).

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